A perfectly made product made of high density mineral – polyurethane mass, 93% natural.

Pack contents: 20 m2
Thickness: 1.4 mm
Size: 1m x 10m
Basic material: Polyurethane / Mineral elements,
1000 kg / m3 (± 10%).
Impact sound reduction: IS 15 dB (+/- 2 dB)
Reflected walking sound: RWS ≤ 8%
Thermal insulation: R 0,009 m2 K/W
Moisture protection: NPD
Compressive strength: CS 3 (CS ≥ 200 kPa)
Compressive creep: CC 3 (CC ≥ 50 kPa)
Dynamic load: DL 3 (DL ≥ 250 000 cykli)
Resistance to large ball: RLB 1 (500 mm ≤ RLB < 800 mm)
Reaction to fire RTF Bfl

Impact sound reduction

Dynamic load

Reflected walking sound

Resistance to large ball

Thermal insulation

Compensation for uneveness

Moisture protection

Reaction to fire

Compressive strength

Basic material

Compressive creep